Sign King NC

Exterior Signs

High-quality, durable exterior signs to enhance your business visibility and branding.

Pylon Signs

Tall, free-standing signs that are visible from a distance, commonly used by shopping centers or large businesses. Pylon signs are ideal for attracting attention from far away and guiding customers to your location.

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Channel Letters

3D letters mounted on buildings, often illuminated. Channel letters are a great choice for businesses looking to enhance their building’s facade with eye-catching and customizable signage.

Blade Signs

Mounted perpendicular to the building, extending outwards for visibility from both sides. Blade signs are excellent for pedestrian areas where visibility from both directions is crucial.


Fabric or metal structures extending from a building, providing shade and signage space. Awnings not only offer protection from the elements but also serve as an attractive and functional signage solution.

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Ready For Your New Sign?

Capture attention and promote your brand with our bespoke sign making services.

Let us craft eye-catching signage tailored to your business needs, ensuring you stand out and attract customers like never before.

Contact Us Now

(704) 780-3499

658 Griffith Rd. Suite 114,
Charlotte, NC 28217